The products sold by BL Global Brazil are from ox tail hair
The company has suppliers throughout the national territory, and makes sure that they are accredited and certified (SIF) by the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil.

The ox tail hair goes through a rigorous manufacturing process, being thermally washed/dried, fumigated, classified, packaged and stored in accordance with the international guidelines.
Before placing the product on the market, BL Company counts on the technical analysis and approval of a veterinarian accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture of Brazil (MAPA).

The company is zealous of the credibility acquired after years in the national market and for this it is committed to the selection of reputable suppliers and quality raw materials, in addition to the use of cutting-edge technologies for their processing, thus delivering an outstanding product to its partner customers, genuine and within the stipulated manner.


Quality production must follow a set of standardized procedures.

The ox tail hair is received, fully separated, fumigated and washed at high temperature, in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices. Our team is kept up to date and certified through the Good Production Practices system.

Before returning the ox tail hair to the market, it undergoes a strict sanitary check, conducted by the resident certified veterinarian.


Logistics management is not limited to the collection/delivery of raw materials. The work with products from animal origin requires technical rigor in all the stages of manufacturing, drying and storage. Our operation involves, in an integrated way, products, resources, suppliers and customers, from the slaughterhouse until its arrival to our partner customers.

BL Company Brazil holds all national certifications for import and export of its products.

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